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Americans for Safe Access Petition

By: skip

Saturday-Sunday: Walk Your Talk
Circulate a Petition Calling on Your U.S. Senators to Support Research

Dear ASA Supporter,

What an exciting week! Medical cannabis events have been held throughout the nation, while activists like you have taken action daily. So far this week, activists nationwide dropped-in on their U.S. Senators’ district offices to ask them to support medical cannabis research. On Saturday and Sunday, mobilize your community for medical marijuana research.

Download and print out a petition calling on your U.S. Senators to support access to materials for FDA-approved medical cannabis research. Visit ASA’s fun interactive map to download a petition addressed to your state’s U.S. Senators. Gather signatures on this petition at your work, school, home, church, and in your community.

Visit to take action now!

ASA has created a petition that you can print out and circulate at your work, school, home, church, and in your larger community. Our goal is to collect 30,000 signatures by April 21st . These petitions will be hand delivered each to of your Senators by our National Office staff. Please join in our efforts and begin gathering signatures today! Read on for ways to get involved.

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Lets get washington behind this petition.

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