
Located on the banks of a quiet canal, shaded by big leafy trees in summer, the Siberie is a great place to visit during your exploration of the Jordaan. Attractively decorated with comfy chairs and delightful artworks on the wall, the Siberie exudes a little class, unlike most coffeeshops in Amsterdam.
We enjoyed our visit there, to get out of a downpour one afternoon while poking around town. I was pleasantly surprised by the service, selection and coziness of the place. With huge double doors opening onto the sidewalk, the air inside is fresh and the music relaxing.
The dealer recommended some Siberian Tiger grass, which turned out to be a great suggestion. The grass was very aromatic, and dry enough to roll a pure joint, American style. I proceeded to get wasted and enjoyed the wait until the rain stopped, and then I was back on my way around town. In a very pleasant mood indeed.
I recommend the Siberie as a wonderful place for a quick visit – grab a drink and a smoke, relax to some nice music, perhaps make a new friend or two and have fun.
Brouwersgracht 11
Topic: Coffeeshop Guide
Views: 14736

The Original Bulldog
The Bulldog has been around since 1976, and the location at Oudezijds Voorburgwal 90 is the considered to be the first cannabis coffeeshop in Amsterdam (see photo above). The beautiful psychedelic paintings on the outside were painted over six years by an Australian artist, Harold Thorton. Now they have five coffeeshops in town, including one on the Leidseplein that was once a police station and still has some of the original jail cells where you can toke up, legally!
The Bulldog has become very commercialized as it’s grown with souvenier shops, bike rentals and a low budget hotel. No longer does it offer the homey feel of other coffeeshops, with one exception.
The newest one, now called “The Lounge”, on Spuistraat 7, is the class act of coffeeshops in Amsterdam, in a league of its own. Mahogany, brass, and leather dominate, lending an elegance and comfort never before seen in a coffeeshop. Add to this the mellow “lounge” music, a nice change from the pounding house music that most coffeeshops favor. The Lounge offers free internet access (with required drink purchase) on two machines and doesn’t start charging for it when it gets busy as other cafes do. A most inviting space to surf the net.

The New Bulldog Lounge
However there is one big drawback to this new location. There’s a “caretaker” (old black dude) at this location who watches over the place. Now normally this would be a good idea, since it’s such a classy joint, to have someone who keeps everything clean and polished. But this individual acts like he owns the place. I’ve watched him sit down to a whole takeout meal in the middle of the place, turn up the TV (to where you couldn’t hear the wonderful music anymore), and pretty much make you feel like you’re invading his space. In addition he likes to smoke cigars (well, they do sell cannabis cigars here), and I’ve seen him harrasing the guests about putting things on their precious chairs (“do you know how MUCH these chairs cost?”), and I’ve had to suffer his staring glare and inquisitorial “can I help you?”, like I shouldn’t even be there. I’ve complained to the bartenders, to no avail. Oh, well, they could have LOTS of people coming there, but unfortunately I can’t recommend this place until there’s a change of personnel. Too bad. I was told he only works at night, but I’ve seen him there at all hours… Steer clear unless you like being glared at.
Topic: Coffeeshop Guide
Views: 62401

I usually stop by Johnny’s whenever I visit the Jordaan to rest my legs and my mind. The outside wicker chair seating is comfortable and enticing on warm days. The staff is very friendly. Inside it’s a bit cramped, yet cozy. The music is usually good, never at odds with the mood of the place.
Located right on the small Johnny Jordaanplein, it’s a rather pleasant location. The only drawback lately had been some construction nearby, but hopefully it’ll be finished soon.
The shop seems popular with the locals, as they can be seen popping in on their way home after work to pick up a little “pick-me-up”. I gather they also do a decent morning business as they have early hours for a coffeeshop.
I once had an extraordinary experience here. I met god. Or so he claimed. He looked more like a genetic cross between Aqualung and Charles Manson. We had a very intense conversation, and he got too excited, and started screaming. The staff had to ask him to leave, and a few minutes later we heard him over in the urinoir on the corner yelling at the top of his lungs “fuck god” over and over…
Fortunately, that god isn’t a regular at this otherwise pleasant coffeeshop.
Elandsgracht 3/H
Topic: Coffeeshop Guide
Views: 15267
The Border Coffeeshop is located on the border of A’dam and Amstelveen. Fab interior with good grass and hash. Cool cellar for the warmer summer months…
1160 Amstelveenweg
Topic: Coffeeshop Guide
Views: 20485
Off the Albert Cuypmarkt, for locals and adventurous visitors. Worth the visit, as they have character here. Characters behind the bar, in the seats and lurking about. But very friendly, and great stuff to smoke.
1e Van Der Helststraat #70
Topic: Coffeeshop Guide
Views: 13827
Reputed to be a great place for organic outdoor grown weed, psychoactively strong.
2e Jan v.d. Heijdenstraat #79
Topic: Coffeeshop Guide
Views: 13480
Cheech & Chong’s
Coffeeshop with two locations in Amsterdam. Marcopolostraat #25 and De Clerqstraat #30.
Netherlands1052 NE
020 685 4810
Topic: Coffeeshop Guide
Views: 25997
Coffeeshop on the Herengracht.
Herengracht 25
Netherlands1015 BA
020 620 5626
Topic: Coffeeshop Guide
Views: 24752
La Canna
Large place on the Nieuwendijk with bars, coffeeshop and entertainment. Pool tables galore. One of the worst coffeeshop rip-offs in Amsterdam. Shit weed, bait & switch (you don’t get what you pay for), bad attitude, and you even have to pay to take a piss. They should revoke their coffeeshop license.
121 Niuewendijk
Topic: Coffeeshop Guide
Views: 16348
Brandend Zand
New shop on the Marnixstraat that made a big marketing splash at the recent 14th annual Cannabis Cup.
In house DJ, testimonials from Eagle Bill and the offer of free "doggy bags" make this an amusement not to be missed. They claim their "Moonflower" is the BEST. What do you think? Post your own comments here!
Update: Eagle Bill, a righteous dude, has passed on. R.I.P. Bill.
Marnixstraat 92
Topic: Coffeeshop Guide
Views: 11021