The Top

When I visited The Top Coffeeshop, I was the only one there besides the bartender/dealer. The sunlight streaming in made the place seem cheerful and inviting, just like someone’s living room. I immediately took to the place because of the cozy seating and the colorful, funky vibe eminating from within. The beautiful murals were done by a couple of artists yet they meshed well.
I ordered a delicious, vitamin fortified, fruit-berry drink from Germany in a half-liter plastic bottle. I wasn’t in too much of a hurry because I’d walked all the way through the Rembrandt park, and needed a good rest. I listened to some nice dance music and chatted a bit with the bartender.
As I was getting ready to leave I decided to check out their cannabinoid selection, and I’m so glad I did! I noticed they had something on their hash menu called “Warme Oren”. I asked him what it was, and he said it was a tasty Moroccan hash that was good to smoke on cold days because it “warms your ears”, thus the name. He produced a nice chunk of very light, blonde hash. I put it up to my nose and could scarcely believe what I was smelling! It was a wonderful, fresh, pungent odor, like something I hadn’t smelled in years. I immediately got some and gave it a try. It was so damn lekker! It cost f 17.50 a gram.
Since that bit was so impressive, I decided to see what else he had and asked to see the Manali Cream. Unfortunately there were only tiny bits left as it was almost gone! I suppose that’s a good sign, and he confirmed that it was very popular, even though it was 25 guilders a gram. I looked at it and smelled it and it certainly looked and smelled good. It was soft and sticky, unlike so much “manali” I’d tried in other coffeeshops.
I decided to wait until I got home to try it as I was already beginning to get a very nice buzz from the “warme oren” that I figured I should try it another time. I was not to be disappointed. The Manali Cream is a very smooth smoke and surprisingly, you really don’t feel the toke until almost a minute after you’ve inhaled!
So now I’m in hash heaven with two of my favorites right here, calling my name right now… Which one shall I choose next??? Yummy!
Gilles van Ledenberchstraat
Topic: Coffeeshop Guide
Views: 11744