They grew very fast, I started them out in 6" pots and had to transplant at two weeks into 10"pots. After three weeks in veg they showed their sex and out of 10 there were 2 males. At 4 weeks ...continued
Grower Report - ministro on April 23, 2004, 2:18 am
Nice trouble free grow, started with 8 plants ended up with 4 females so I had a 50/50 male/female ratio. Plants germinated 100% and very quickly and robustly. After going in soil all seeds broke the surface in less then 48 hours. Root system seemed to form quite rapidly and the plants maintained a steady growth rate with frequent spurts from week 5 to week 6 the plants averaged 1 foot of growth.
Flowering began with a two week stretch and ended with a nice thick canopy full of bud sites flowers grew on all branches of each of these plants over 4 feet tall ranging from quarter size dried to fist sized dried. Flower growth was steady and substantial from the 4th to the 7th week, no significant changes other then trichome ripenning was noticed in the final week or so
3' Wide by 8' Tall by 8' Long with 2 x 400W HPS parallel to the length of the room with mylar lined walls. Plants were grown ultimately in 5 gallon buckets after two transplantings. Watered approximately ever 3-4 days with ferts added once every two weeks in veg and once a week in flower. Soil brand was miracle grow enriched potting soil with perelite and sand added for drainage.