During the 18 hrs cycle the pH was kept at 5.5 and the EC at 1.4, using House & Garden hydroponic feeding (A+B) and a growth stimulator from Advanced Hydroponics of Holland. Watering was done manually.
When the plant started flowering the pH was raised slowly to 5.8 and the EC to 1.7. Every 10 days the medium (rock wool flakes) was flushed with a light solution (pH 5.4 and EC 1.1) to avoid salt bildup.
Growing and flowering light: 1000 watt sodium high pressure AGRO (high in blue spectrum)
Temp day: 24-27 Celsius
Temp night: 18-20 Celsius
RH day: 45%
RH night: 60%
Feedings used: House and Garden A+B Hydro; Advanced Hydroponics of Holland;
Medium: 20 gallons container with rock wool flakes (standard thickness).