Northern Lights x C99 Seeds from Joey Weed

  Grower reports: 1  Viewed: 28,331 times  Rated by 1 user: 0.00/10
'Northern Lights x C99' from Joey Weed
LineageNorthern Lights x Cinderella 99
FamilyUnknown or mixed family
OriginNot Listed
RegionNot Listed
GenotypeNot Listed
Indoor Maturation55 to 60 days
Outdoor MaturationNot Listed
Sex PossibilitiesStandard (M/F)
StatureNot Listed
YieldNot Listed
Odor Level4
Odor DescriptionNot Listed
Taste LevelNot Listed
Taste DescriptionNot Listed

  Breeder's Description - 'Northern Lights x C99'
Northern ligthts was the mother of this cross. NL is a high yielding fast growing strain that has been around a long time. The stone is a balanced sativa/indica high that has been popular a long time. Cinderella 99 is very well known and has a trippy sativa type of high. C99 finishes in 8 weeks or less and is low in odor. NL also finishes in about 8 weeks and is fairly low odor. The combination produces a high yielding, fast finishing plant that has a super high and is low in odor.

  Grower Report - sugabear on July 29, 2005, 8:30 pm  
Northern Lights x C99 from Joey Weed rated 6.86  

Overall Rating7  EffectNicely balanced
Potency8  StatureAverage size
Yield7  PhenotypeMixed, primarily Sativa
Ease8  Indoor60 to 65 days
Appearance8  OutdoorNot Listed
Odor Level1  Odor: no real smell - light lemon smell during flower when disturbed
Taste Level8  Taste: smooth, light, with a little tropical fruit on the exhale
Grower's Tilt8  SexesStandard (M/F)
SI Rating0.810  Vintage: April, 2005

This was my 1st grow and this plant grew very well for me. She was vigorous and branchy which made for an excellent scrog.

started 3 seeds 100% germ rate
one died after a week when a light fell - started another seed

vegged 21 days in 6" RW cubes with top feed - then after 2 weeks of 12/12 sex was determined two girls were left one was a week behind - the seedling and she got tossed - so one female left was fitted with DWC bucket and super simple scrog.

Clones were taken with just tap water at week 2 of flower with 100% rooting after 14 days.. so I’d say she clones easily.

she grew kind of branchy and in flower definitely had a sativa dominant appearance - the c99 really shines through on this pheno.

she was not a heavy feeder - I tried 1050 ppm in flower and she didn't do well - 700-800ppm seemed to produce optimal growth.

On the advice of Joey Weed and some other helpful folks I waited until 80% of the hairs were red and the crystals had started to show amber, and flowering lasted for 63 days total 12/12

From what I've heard this strain should finish quicker but I think my lack of veg time extended flower time a little - I plan on growing out a clone of the same strain to see if she finishes earlier.

But I was glad I let her go the extra time as she really packed on the weight in the last two weeks - it was like she stretched just a little more between the bud leaves and then just filled in. In late flower she produced little bud spikes off of the colas that are really sweet.

This is very good stealth strain as it doesn't really smell at all even in the late weeks of flower.

Since she had lots of little bud leaves there was quite a bit of trimming to be done.

Final yield was around 44 grams + some excellent kief/hash

I grew 2 plants under a 150 HPS and they both yielded around the same for a total of 3 oz.

The buds after one week of drying and one week of cure don't have a very strong taste - light and kind of peppery some tropical fruit flavors (pineapple) on the exhale - Hopefully she'll be more flavorful after a good cure.

After 4 weeks of curing the citrus aromas are stronger and the flavor is getting better. I just got a vaporizer and this weed is really tasty when vaporized - lemon and lime with a hashy herbal undertone.

Appearance wise she's a beauty with glistening glittering crystals just like c99 - Lots of red hairs and small bud leaves give a fluffy sativa like appearance but the buds are still very dense inside. It's these inner bracts and bud spikes that are just completely glistening and silver/white with crystals.

Unfortunately she appears to have hermied a little and produced a very few tiny immature seeds in the lower older buds

The high is very strong, but kind of creeper - you really don't realize how high you are for the first ten minutes and then it's like "damn I'm high" and it keeps building - it will be a half hour after you smoke and you still feel like your getting high - easy to overdo it - after the first 1/2 hour it's pretty stable and long lasting... very visual - in a clear way - juxtapositions of things at different depths in the long light of late afternoon produce strange effects... trippy, for weed - very speedy too - hard to stay seated - definitely not a couch lock strain

The keif got pressed into a nice tan hash - it has a devastating buzz, not a day ender but a day bender.
  Garden Information for this report  
Bloom Wattage Used20w to 250w
Average Plant Height29
Plants per Sq. Foot1.00
Average Yield per Plant1.50
Pruning or Plant StyleScreen of Green SCROG
Fertilization MethodMix of chemical and organic

U2 cab from millspride (home depot) interior dimensions 29"highx29"widex15"deep - remote ballasted 150watt HPS (regent security light retro fit) - hydro - 6"rockwool cubes over 5 quart DWC buckets - super simple scrog

used daylight CFL's for seedling stage

veg: grotech grow, thrive alive
flower: floranova flower, hygrozyme, diamond nectar fulvic acid, thrive alive, bionova pk 13-14

Report added by: sugabear

StrainGuide © 2004 Overgrow
Marijuana Seeds Review: Joey Weed - 'Northern Lights x C99'