I grow in a C13 cabinet.
For lighting I use a 250w Mh light for veg. and a 250w HPS bulb for flower.
I have 5 1.5" PVC passive intakes on the bottom of the cabinet and I use a 265CFM Dayton blower for exhaust.
I start with Scotts Seed Starting soil and then transplant into a simple mix of Miracle Grow (MG) soil and Perlite at about 3/1 - MG/Perlite for the rest of the grow.
For fertilzers I use Pure Blend Pro Accelerated Vegetative Formula (3-1.5-4) throughout veg. up until the ending of stretch in flower and then I use Pure Blend Pro Fruit and Flower for SOIL fomula (1.5-4-5) throughout the rest of flower up until the last 1-2 weeks I flush.