| I had three seeds, 2 sprouted and both were female. Growth was very slow, but plants were very strong, resisted heat well. Vegged for about 4 weeks total starting from seed. Had two phenotypes
First pheno: Yielded way less , pieces were smaller and tighter, didnt start to spiral or as I like to call it "Nipple". Plant was a lighter green, and was more sensitive than the other. End result tasted amazing.
Pheno #2: Very stong beautiful uniform plant. Dark green leaves, very resistant to heat and pests, towards the end the buds got so heavy that they were all leaning over. Very spirally buds, beautiful to look at and to smell. While it was on the plant I thought to myself "This is the one!"
End result: Buds were much looser than expected, really didnt seem like they would of been from looking at the plant. Also dried out alot darker than I thought. still tasted ok, but a little dry I found. Im going to try 1 maybe 2 plants next time under the same wattage (400). It was still a pleasure to grow and smoke.
Garden Information for this report Had 4 plants under 400 watts. My other strain (Jack) was way taller than the Diesel so the lights had to be a little higher than I liked it to be for them. Fed them Ionic Grow in Veg, and Ionic Bloom and Boost for flower. towards the end I was watering just about 1 litre every day in an 8 inch pot. Tried to fertlize the least possible. |
Report added by: mrbrow69k