Contributed by: lbhydro
These are the exact steps I take to properly preparing a nute solution:
Note: My res is 25 gallons, so you will have to adjust all volumes for your res size.
I would suggest getting a container that would be able to hold thesame amount of water as your res. That way you can prepare your mixturein the mixing container, then empty your rez and immediately pump thefresh solution into your system so that they will be out of the waterfor a minimal amount of time to reduce shock.
- Use good water. I use RO (Reverse Osmosis) water.
- Add all of your “extras” to your reservoir
In bloom, I add 80ml of Bcuzz bloom stimulant (Bcuzz’s suggestedstr for 25 gals), and a small amount of Epsom salts, about 2 TSP(10ml). You must mix your e-salts in warm water, or they will takeforever to dissolve and throw off your readings. This little trick willhelp you whenever you need to mix something solid into your nutesolution. Dissolve it first.
- Nutrient mixing.
What I do is get a gallon ofwater, and mix my nutes ratios into that container, then I simply addthat solution to my res until I reach the desired ppm. You CANNOT mixthem together in their pure form, they must be diluted or nutrientlockout can occur. I never pour nutes directly into the reservoir.
My system holds 25 gallons, so I use 80ml as my “base unit” ofmeasure. I use the 1-2-3 (G-M-B) formula. It is the one that GHrecommends and it works well for me. For example 1-2-3 = 80ml – 160ml –240ml
- Always add Micro, then Grow, then Bloom.
In mybucket of water I add 2 measures of GH Micro. Mix. Then I add my 1measure of Grow. Mix. Then I add my 3 measures of Bloom. Mix.
My measure is 80ml - yours will be different according to your res size.
- Use a submersible water pump to keep everything mixing in your main rez.
- Add the GH mixture slowly to the mixing containeruntil I reach my desired ppm. After I have the ppm’s set, I adjust myph until my mixture is perfect. Then I quickly dump my res and put thecontents form my mixing container into my res.
Be sure your nutes are fully mixed before trusting your readings. Ihave found ph to take longer to stabilize than ppm's, so allow the tankto really mix up well before you count on a ph reading to be true.
Here are some GH ratios I use:
pure RO water and a rooting powder, liquid, or gel is all you need
Seedlings / clones
Add a drop of superthrive per gallon of water, e-salts, and a 1-1-1 (G-M-B) GH mixture at 250 ppm and adjust ph to 5.2 – 5.8.
Early veg
Add a drop of superthrive per gallon of water, e-salts, and a 1-1-1(G-M-B) GH mixture at 350-450 ppm and adjust ph to 5.2 – 5.8.
Add a drop of superthrive per gallon of water,e-salts, and a 3-2-1 (G-M-B) GH mixture at 500-650 ppm and adjust ph to5.2 – 5.8.
Transition to blooming (first 2 weeks of 12/12)
Add my Bcuzz bloom booster, e-salts, and a 1-1-1 (G-M-B) GH mixture at 700 ppm and adjust ph to 5.2 – 5.8.
Full bloom
Add my Bcuzz bloom booster, e-salts, and a 1-2-3 (G-M-B) GH mixture at 750 - 950 ppm and adjust ph to 5.2 – 5.8.
>When I give a range of ppm, I start off low and mix a littleextra GH to slowly bump up the ppms as the days go on to make sure theplants can handle it. Every strain will grow a little different.
>If system heat is a problem, you can use a silicone solutionsuch as pro-tekt (or Pro-silica) to raise ph and give the plants alittle something to help them out in hot weather. Use it sparingly. Iwouldn’t add more than 1 ml per gallon into your res. It may slow downgrowth.
>Don’t try to add all kinds of stuff to your res, the simplerthe better. That is why I add so little Epsom salts. If I start havingMg issues I would bump it up, but I haven’t had to yet.
>You will not need H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) unless you have animproper nute solution. If you keep your res temps at 68-72* and it islight tight you won’t have algae problems and your plants will be thehappiest. The higher your nute temps go, the less O2 the water canhold. It is a property of water itself and no amount of bubbles willhelp.
>I keep my nutes at a ph between 5.2 – 5.8. If it is in this range DO NOT try to get it “perfect” by adding ph up and down.
If you mix up your solution and you don't HAVE to use the ph up ordown DON'T. When you do adjust try to hit 5.5 but once again don’t betoo picky. If it’s a little higher or lower let it go. You’ll just messthings up by trying to mix it exactly.
>If you have a nutrient deficiency, or some other problem that you think might be nutrient related - change your nutes!
[Editor's note:
>Some members prefer to add main nutrient components first, additives later:
(~shabang~) "Anything organic will throw your EC/PPM measurementsoff and it will be harder to judge how much salt fertilizer you'veadded. I've always thought it best to put the additives in last afteryou're happy with the chem levels."
>Be careful when mixing highly concentrated nutrients, as lockout canoccur when adding pH "up" (As may occur in a smaller volume). It is myexperience that K can precipitate out of solution - make sure pH "up"or "Down" is added to the nutrient solution with additional water).
>Another mixup procedure is to mix the nutrients directly intothe main rez. This method takes longer, as adjustments requireadditional mixup of seperate nutrient components.
>(Reggea love) Nutrients strengths should be qualified with theppm/us conversion factor used (such as 0.5, 0.6 or 0.7), which can makea significant difference to the actual strengths.