| That was my first grow so I can´t give much information on the strain nor compare it with other strains but as far as I´m concern it was a good strain to grow.
The only fuck up I had was in germination 3/10, one male one female and the other got hit by a falling light reactor (watch out for fixing your reactor good), end up with one female.
2 months of vegetative growth, 60 cm, very good appereance with the side branches growing the same size of the top (beauty!!)
When it was obout to go to flower I had problems with the location and put myself and my plants at risk, had to move it 500Km to a diferent growing room. Don´t adivise it to anyone. In the new growing room had problems with a snake (my partners wife). I don´t know what was looking for me but tamfuly I´m here now writing these report.
Anyway gave it a 7 days 24hour ligth so it could recover from the trip and switched to 12/12.
When it complited 60 days of bud growth I (that is me and my team) stoped wattering it. It was heart breaking seeing that health plant goes dry. As we couldn´t wait any longer to try that wonder we smoked it while it was drying, and I can tell just one thing good things comes for those who waits!!! The more it cures the better it gets.
I ordered it another package and can´t wait to see this big baby again.
Thats it keep on growing.
Garden Information for this report At fist it was a good set up but had to move grow rooms in a hurry and end up with a square foot garde 100 inches tall, 400W HPS lamp no reflector just alumin paper around the garden. Little or no CO2 but good ventilation. Risk growth next time will take more care with the plants parasites (other people). |
Report added by: dorival