I used Bog soil mix (Sam’s pride potting soil mixed with perlite, bone meal, and blood meal) in 5 gallon buckets. The bog mix is very airy and I jar tested the Sam’s pride and it was 50% compost with very little sand or clay content(I have had bug problems in the past from it though but its worth it). Veg for two months and flower for two months also. Fish emulsion for veg and Foxfarm BigBloom for flowering(fertilized every other week in veg and bloom). One week flush. Watered 2/3's from above with filtered water and 1/3 from below(amount of water for the top feed depends on the demand according to a soil moisture meter 4 inches into the soil).
Hydro setup:
NFT in four inch square PVC fenceposts.
Foxfarm growbig(problematic) for veg.
For bloom I used Pure Blend Pro with supplementation of Acadie seaweed extract (I highly recommend this fertilizer for soil and for hydro) given every other week alternated with nitrozyme (didn't notice much effect from this). Cannazyme used once(it cleaned the roots some but not as effective as spraying the roots with water from a spray bottle).
I do not own a scale so I could not measure the yield per crop or per plant but this yielded as much bud as skunk#1 with denser buds that had less stretch.
For both setups I used a 1/4 hp squirrel cage fan that I looted off of an old furnace by the side of the road and a store-bought 600w light with a sungro reflector from sunlight supply. The space used was different for multiple crops as I moved but averaged 1.5x1.0 metres. Mylar spaceblankets from the buck or two store were used for light conservation. Uvonair placed in the basement(where all the air was vented to) and pine sol in a glass on top of the reflector were all that was necessary for odor control.