| Being my first grow, I gotta admit things didn't do things perfectly. 6/6 of the seeds germinated and grew into the vegitative stage equally as healthy. Only 1/6 however was female. These were grown in a small closet with little ventilation (only door open when the light was on).
The top cola was a pleasure to watch grow. It was huge! (in the end weighed 20 grams). The rest of the plant took on the form of a christmas tree. All the buds on the ends of branches were pretty big. Chronic performed as advertised.
About three weeks into the flowering period, I noticed the plant was utilizing more Phosphorus than I could provide. Typical first-time grower mistake, I overfertilized it. Once I realized this, I began flushing the medium. My second first-time occured when I over-watered the plant. A couple larger fan leaves turned yellow and burned (crispy ends) but that didn't stunt the growth of the plant at all.
I cured the buds for a total of three weeks. The scent I got every time I opened a canning jar to smoke made me dizzy it was so strong and good. The smoke was very sweet and went down well. I noticed a strange after-taste in the back of my throat but I'm going to blame that on the miracle grow I was using (today I only use organic ferts). The high starts out like a sativa in the head. After a couple hours of intense video games or other fun activities the high took on the shape of the indica like couch lock. Overall, an amazing high. To this date, I have grown Original Blueberry, White Widow DP, and Chronic. The high associated with Chronic is not only the best I've ever had, but also the biggest yielder.
Garden Information for this report My pots were 2.5 gallon cans with a top soil medium (no perlite or anything else). Again, out of 6 plants, only 1 turned out to be sinsemilla. I used 18/6 with a 400 watt MH conversion bulb for vegitative; 400 watt HPS bulb for flowering. Conveniently, my closet was painted flat white. I didn't fertilize in the vegitative stage. In flowering I used 30mL of miracle grow's all around fert (15-30-15) per gallon. After burning some of the fan leaves I used it at half strength and that worked well. Watering every 4-5 days. No CO2 added. |
Report added by: JOEWASSUP